
Himalayan Health Benefits are Here.

A rock salt from the Punjab region of Pakistan, and mined in the foothills of the Himalayas, this rosy-colored salt contains dozens of trace minerals that are loaded with skin and body benefits. 

Unlike highly processed table salt, this natural element is both loaded with goodness and easier for your body to process. Himalayan salt also contains more than 80 minerals and elements including potassium, iron, and calcium that aid in the reduction and removal of bacterial, and support the body’s natural detoxification process both inside and out. 

When you treat your BODY, MIND, & SOUL to the AMBITCHOUS line of Himalayan pink salt products, just some of the benefits include:

It's SO Gentle!

Himalayan salt is so kind to your skin. You can use it in a variety of ways for so many benefits. It will help you keep your skin happy, soft, glowing, balanced, cleaner, drier, and it can even help calm upset areas of the barrier. Its rich mineral and micronutrient composition will help it be its very best. 

Maintain Healthy Moisture and Oil on Skin

Helping the skin maintain proper fluid and oil levels to prevent hydration and bring natural plumping for a healthy glow. Scrubbing and washing with this salt is a great way to improve the look of rumpled skin, and keep it looking hydrated and loved. 

Sweat Doesn't Stink. Bacteria Does.

It can also help you reduce and balance waters and oils plus the bacteria that can live (and smell!) in these pores and follicles. This means you can help reduce odor and even the amount of sweat and oils released by the skin. This makes Himalayan pink salt a perfect choice for a more natural way to deodorize your underarms, feet, swoob, and more. For hundreds of years, many countries have known and loved how well it naturally does the work that so many use more harsh and less natural ingredients for. 

Gentle, Softening Exfoliation

Because Himalayan salt will help deeply hydrate the skin, the barrier can stay hydrated and looking fresh all day long. By keeping the dull, dead layers off of the surface, this exfoliating salt works gently meaning just about anyone can benefit from its use.

When you keep skin’s barrier refreshed, healthy, and scrubbed free of the dull layers, you help keep pores and follicles more shallow and clear. This can help you keep a cleaner, tighter, and more blemish-free surface. 

in Conclusion...

AMBITCHOUS proudly features a fun, full line to give you many ways to benefit from these restorative properties. From anti-aging benefits, to more naturally being your best self, give a new pink Himalayan good a try. Your skin will love and thank you for gently and kindly finding more balance and a beautiful, “not stinky” glow.